Entrada 1, Religión.
PART 1: The church and you
¿Crees que realmente la Iglesia funciona y se siente como un cuerpo unido? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué crees que habría que cambiar?
In my own opinion the church is united because the people who are involved are usually in some group or related activity, for example the young groups or the brotherhoods.
On this part, I think it's united and that works and on the other hand there are people that they can believe in God, but less, and they can do acts or say things that aren't appropriate to a catholic person.
These acts may bother the most believers in the church and there may be create vas feeling between they.
I don't think that there is a solution for this persons because we can't change the people, they need change alone, but the rest of people can make them see that it is not place (the church) for do that acts and to do which see that we need stay united because it is a very important point.
¿Qué parte de la Iglesia te sientes tú? ¿Por qué? Otra imagen que utiliza el Concilio Vaticano II es la iglesia como pueblo de Dios… ¿Qué te sugiere esta imagen? ¿Te parece que la iglesia es así? ¿Por qué?
I feel the believing part although I don't manifest my belief in all the ways that are possible, for example I don't go all the weeks to the church but I belong to two brotherhoods and I am baptized and I have made communion and now I am going to start preparing for confirmation.
The image suggests that all types of people are accepted in the church by the number that are of people in the picture, and that the church is able to gather a lot of people and get an idea of all the number of people who are believers.
¿Qué imagen tienes tú de la Iglesia? ¿En qué se parecen y en qué se diferencian los dos personajes que hemos trabajado en este tema? ¿Qué tipo de personas crees que le hace falta a la Iglesia de hoy?
The image that the Church gives me is of a diverse community, in which each one has a function and God who unites us all by the same thought. Although later each one is different in all our other aspects but we are all equal in this thought and it is something that unites us strongly and many people.
Valora en la Iglesia (según la idea de Iglesia que hemos explicado en clase) distintas personas que son autoridad por el servicio o por el testimonio.
In my opinion, the bigger representation of God right now is the "Papa" and is the person who represents him most among all of us, and behind the "Papá" go all the others, all the people who transmit the word of God as a priest or a bishop. And finally all the people who created the church.