
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2019

Entrada 3, Religión.

Part 3: Film "Teresa de Calcuta" Hemos visto en clase la imagen de la Iglesia como Cuerpo de Cristo y la Constitución Jerárquica de la Iglesia. Sitúa a la Santa Teresa de Jesús (de Ávila) en cada una de esas acepciones. Justifica tu respuesta. Teresa de Calcuta is a church nun from the church catholic, and if we put her in a position in the church in hierarchical order I think that she is a Diácono because she does different charities. ¿Qué escena de la vida de Santa Teresa de Jesús (de Ávila) te ha llamado más la atención? ¿Por qué? For me the scenes that attract my attention are when she tries to connect with God with different forms to find herself or when Teresa discuss for the woman rights and values, ​when I think in those times everything was very difficult for the women and the people don't say their own opinion to all the people. ¿Por qué se produce en ella una “llamada dentro de la llamada”? Because since she was little she believed in God and